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12 Tips to Celebrate Pet Dental Health All Year Long!
Here is a fact we hope you’ll sink your teeth into: preventing periodontal disease (also known as gum disease). By protecting your pet’s dental health, you can extend their life by three years! Along with obesity, dental disease is a leading (and preventable) illness that takes the lives of far too many pets far too early. To make matters even more pressing, over 80% of dogs and 50% of cats over the age of three will develop periodontal disease.
Planning Your Pet’s Health This Year: A Month-by-Month Guide for Pet Parents
Here’s a tail-wagger for you: 2021 is finally here. We are happy to welcome the new year with smiles and a rejuvenated sense of optimism. As a team, we remain committed to providing pets with the best lives they can experience. We’ve resolved to help pet parents find more ways to keep their pets healthy, happy, and ready to take on this year and beyond. To help you keep better track of your pet’s health and maintenance needs, here is a 12-month plan:
The Gift of Health for Your Pet
As you’re shopping for the holiday season, you may ask yourself, “What’s the best gift I can give my pet?” While pet sweaters are cute and can make for adorable holiday cards, we believe the best present a pet parent can gift their pet is a healthy, happy life.
Celebrate Thanksgiving with an Attitude of Gratitude
Despite all that has happened in 2020, this year has its hidden gems. From having more time to snuggle with the cat to greeting neighbors working from home on walks with the dog, there is still so much to be thankful for as we approach Thanksgiving. While we usually...
Have a Not-So-Scary October
2020 has been scary enough, so there’s no need for any extra worries this year. To help keep your pets safe this October, we’re offering you our top tricks to keeping the treat in this sweet month. 1. Chocolate, Raisins, and Xylitol When it comes to trick-or-treating...
3 Hidden Signs of Pet Pain – Is Your Pet Trying to Tell You Something?
Pain and your pet: two things you never want to think about together. When our pets hurt, our hearts break. We do everything we can to help our beloved companions avoid the irritation and anguish of physical discomfort. Yet it can be challenging to recognize how your...